Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Reflection on the fitting

I found the experience quite stressful.  Going into a strange place, meeting new people on my own, having to conduct a task that I had only seen done, and that only once, and having to be totally professionally calm and automatic about it are all things, especially when mixed up, that are, frankly, terrifying to me.  Part of my anxiety came from how fast everything had moved once I returned from work experience: having less than a normal 5-day week and less tutor-contact time than I had initially expected, all combined together with stepping into the unknown.  However, I felt that I was able to keep myself collected enough that my actor was not perturbed by my nervousness.  It was also a very hot day, and so I made sure I reassured my actor that if he felt to warm with an entire three-piece, 100% wool suit on, he was to say immediately.

As far as the fit and fitting of the garments, the length for all of them was just right.  I knew that there was a high chance of ambiguity over the fit at the hip and waist as this was where we had taken an executive decision to alter the measurements we had been supplied with. 
They did fit at the waist, high-waisted as they were, sitting nicely at the base of his ribs.  The waist itself was fine, but as the trousers went over his hips and down his thighs, they were rather tight.  This is a note for the future: When fitting dancers, expect slightly unusual measurements as they are more muscular in some areas than you would find on someone of the same height and chest measurement.
Slightly snug around the chest, but this can be let out of the side seams.  The sit across the shoulders was good and shaped well.
The sleeve I had had some problems with in drafting, so I was pleased with the amount of accuracy I did have, and not unhappy that I had to move it slightly.  Again, it was slightly too snug around the chest, so I will need to let it out at the side seams.
Overall, I felt that it was mostly a success, and hopefully next time I have to do a tailoring fitting I will not be quite so nervous.

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